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12 days of Christmas energy saving tips with Ecotricity

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By Imogen Ford
13 Dec 2024

The countdown to Christmas it well and truly on, and here at Ecotricity we’re still thinking of ways to save energy and the planet at the same time.  

How many of these have you thought about in preparation for this year’s celebrations? 

1) Make the most of cheaper energy at night with Economy 7  

If you use over 60% of your electricity at night, switch to an Economy 7 tariff to get a cheaper rate.

2) Switch to LED lightbulbs  

LED lightbulbs use up to 90% less energy than traditional bulbs – and they last longer too!  

3) Get a draught excluder for your chimney 

It might make it a bit harder for Santa to get down, but fitting a draft excluder for your chimney could save you around £40 per year.  

4) Turn down the thermostat when you’re cooking 

When you’ve got the oven on, you’re already heating the room, so you won’t need as much power from the boiler to get the room up to a comfortable temperature.   

5) Try solar-powered lights in the garden 

Make the most of daylight and power your lights for free with solar-powered lights in the garden. You don’t need bright sunlight to power them, you should get enough light even on cloudy days to keep the lights going through the night.   


6) Keep a lid on your pans 

If you put a lid on your pans, you’ll not only cook your food faster but you’ll also use around 10% less energy than if you were cooking without.  

7) Get inventive with leftovers 

Each year in the UK we throw away the equivalent of 2 million turkeys, 5 million Christmas puddings, 74 million mince pies and £67 million worth of orange – that’s a lot of food waste. Instead of throwing leftovers away, try giving them a new life by turning vegetables and potato into a festive bubble and squeak. 

8) Don’t just use your own – why not use a cheaper, more energy efficient appliance for some of the dishes?  

We’re not talking about cooking your whole Christmas dinner in the air fryer, but you could try using it to crisp up your potatoes and veg. 

However: If you’re already using the oven for something, like a vegan wellington or nut roast, it makes sense to keep using it for other things at the same time – that way you’re limiting the number of times you heat it up.  


9) Make room in your freezer for leftovers 

Not only will this reduce food waste, but it’ll also make sure you know what’s in your freezer drawers, so you don’t leave things sitting in there for months on end when you forget about them.  

Bonus tip: make sure your leftovers cool down before you put them in the freezer. That way, your freezer won’t have to work so hard to cool down the food.  

10) Keep an eye on standby 

We know movie marathons are popular at this time of year, so you might be getting more screentime than usual, but make sure to turn your electronics off at the wall when not in use.  

Did you know?  Switching your wireless speaker off at the wall can save you £5.99 per year. It might not sound like a lot, but it’s money you could be spending elsewhere!  


11) Clean your oven door and keep it closed 

Every time you open the oven door, it loses heat – sometimes as much as 25 degrees. By keeping your oven door clean, you’ll be able to see through it, reducing the number of times you open the door.  

12) Fill up your washing machine and dishwasher  

Make sure to fully load them before switching them on – you’ll not only save on running costs by running fewer cycles, but you’ll also save on detergent and washing tablets too.  


We know things can be harder around Christmas and we’re here to support you. If you need to talk about your energy bills, give our dedicated team a call on 01453 761 350 or freephone 0800 917 9525. We're here from 8.30am – 6pm Monday to Thursday, 8.30am - 5pm Friday and 9:30am - 1pm Saturday. 

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