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Moving Home: Your Green Checklist

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By Christopher Appleby
15 Mar 2021
Moving House Green Checklist
Moving Home: Your Green Checklist

One of the great things about moving home, is that it provides us with an opportunity to start afresh. It’s not just about bricks and mortar, it’s a chance to reimagine our lives, to try a new place, to upsize or downsize depending on our stage in life, to see a different view out of the window every morning.

It’s also the perfect time to shake off the habits of our old existence and begin again, becoming more sustainable while improving our quality of life.

Quick green wins

Moving home is always a little stressful. So let’s start with three quick and easy changes that will make a real difference to your day-to-day life and the environment:

1. Check your energy is green

If the people who used to live in your new home weren’t already with Britain’s greenest energy company – that’s Ecotricity, by the way! – join us and we’ll give you £50 free account credit when you sign up (£25 per fuel. Just head to or give us a call on 0808 123 0 123 and quote ECOCRED.

If you’re already with us, you can take us with you us to your new home (and still get that £50 credit!), just give us a call on 0345 555 7 500 and we’ll sort everything out for you. 

2. Go green when you clean

The harsh chemicals we use to clean our homes, do the dishes and wash our clothes eventually make their way via our drains to the sea, with serious consequences for marine life and biodiversity. Ethical Superstore has a huge range of green products that work brilliantly to keep your home sparkling – better for you and better for the environment.

3. Upgrade your toilet paper

Switch to feel-good recycled or bamboo toilet paper from companies like Who Gives a Crap? to make a sustainable difference every day. Their deliveries cut out all that unnecessary plastic packaging and the cost per sheet is similar to buying from supermarkets.

New house, new habits

We're all spending a bit more time at home at the moment due to government restrictions in response to COVID-19. Check out our energy advice blog for helpful info about how to save energy when working from home. And don't forget to spend plenty of time in the great outdoors - make the most of your new surroundings! Here are a couple of our top tips:

Exercise and explore

Our top tip: check out local cycle routes and walking paths. Both are fantastic ways to get to know a new area, stay healthy and reduce the amount of driving you need to do.

If you like a bit of planning, make a list of the first ten routes to try out when you get to your new home – it’s also a great way to unwind after unpacking for hours on end!

Make space for nature

If you’re lucky enough to have a patch of outdoor space at your new place to call your own, check out the RSPB’s online shop. It’s packed with everything you need to make your garden attractive to wildlife, particularly pollinators. They even have seed packs for specific plants to attract birds, butterflies or bats. In autumn or early winter, pop some bulbs in the ground or in pots for an amazing display of colour come spring.

If you don’t have access to outside space, how about a bird feeder that attaches to your window? It gives our feathered friends a much needed meal and you get to watch their colourful antics without moving from your chair!

If you take us with you or switch to us when you move into your new home, we’ll give you £50 free account credit (£25 per fuel). Just click on the link below or give us a call on 0345 555 7 500 and quote ECOCRED.

Switch to Ecotricity

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