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Ecotricity explains… I’m moving home, what about my energy supply?

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By Christopher Appleby
11 Mar 2021
Ecotricity explains moving house
Ecotricity explains moving house

There’s a lot to think about when moving home so we do everything we can to make things as simple and as easy as possible. You can find all the information you need on our dedicated Moving Home page – and don’t forget, if you’re already an Ecotricity customer, you can find more info in your online account, or in the Ecotricity app.

What should I do before I move home?

Email or call your current energy supplier with these details:

  • Your new address so your supplier can send your final energy bill, or set up a new account with them at your new place

  • The official tenancy end date or sale completion date

  • A final meter reading for your current property taken within four days of the official tenancy end date, or sale completion date

If you’re with Ecotricity and would like us to carry on supplying your energy at your new home, we make it simple. Just fill in this online form and we’ll sort it all out for you.

It’s the easy way to carry on enjoying green energy, safe in the knowledge that we’ll invest your bill money into new sources of renewable energy, turning your bills into mills.

How much notice do I need to give to my supplier?

Give your supplier as much notice as possible so they can arrange for your final bills.

I’m moving into rented accommodation – can I change supplier?

If you’re moving into rented accommodation where you pay the bills, yes you can. 

If the landlord pays the bills and charges you separately, you’ll need to speak to the landlord to see if they’re willing to change supplier.

And what should I do once I’ve moved in?

If you’ve switched to Ecotricity or taken us with you from your previous home, just send us the meter reading from your new home as soon as you move in, to make sure you don’t pay for any energy that you haven’t used.

If your new home was supplied by someone else, switching to Ecotricity will take 21 days but don’t worry, we’ll take care of all the paperwork.

If you take us with you to your new home, or switch your new home to Ecotricity, we’ll give you £50 free account credit (£25 per fuel). Give us a call on 0345 555 7 500 or email us at and quote COTCRE.

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