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/Your green energy/Our EV tariff

Your green energy

Ecotricity can help you cut your carbon footprint even further via a whole range of things you can do at home…
Your green energy

Join our EV tariff today

If you drive an electric vehicle, you could be saving some serious money.

With our one-year Fixed EV tariff you can charge your vehicle overnight at just 8 pence per kWh – all with 100% green electricity from Britain’s greenest energy company! Not only have we been a Which? Eco Provider for the last four years, but now we’re also a Which? recommended provider.

Tell me more

We want to reward you for using green energy to charge your vehicle at off-peak times. This special tariff is fantastic value for money and the price is fixed, so there are no nasty surprises hiding around the corner.

  • 100% green energy, price fixed for one year

  • Low-cost electricity from 12am-5am GMT every night (that’s 1am-6am when the clocks change for summer)

  • Charge your EV for 8 pence per kWh

  • Track your usage with your smart meter.

How do I qualify for this deal?

This tariff is open to everyone with an Electric or Hybrid vehicle, whether you’re an existing Ecotricity customer or not. It’s designed to reward owners of electrified vehicles [is there some green messaging we can add in here about reducing carbon footprint?] by making it cheaper to charge up your car overnight.

You’ll need:

  • an electric or hybrid vehicle,

  • an existing smart meter, with readings taken every half an hour,

  • to manage your account online (paperless), and

  • to pay by Direct Debit (fixed or variable).

That’s it!

Can I take gas on this deal, as well?

Yes, if you’re a dual fuel customer, your Fixed Tariff will apply to both fuels.

Not with Ecotricity yet? Switch to Britain’s greenest energy company today.

Switch now

If you are already a customer, log in to your online account to view the best tariffs available to you.

Can I see details of the costs?

Of course. As an ethical energy provider, we’re always completely open about the details of our tariffs.

Dog-eared document iconOur domestic tariffs March 2024 (PDF, 2.2 Mb)
2024 01 29 ev tariff 960 1200 pmax2