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Happy 50th Anniversary Green Party!

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24 Feb 2023

Congratulations to the Green Party who this year celebrate their 50th anniversary. Since 2007, Ecotricity and the Green Party have worked together to help build a Green Britain. To celebrate this momentous birthday, let’s take a look back at how we’ve worked with them over the last 15 years.

Anti Fracking Preston New Road 026
Our collective stance on anti-fracking

Here at Ecotricity, we have and will always be – anti-fracking. We’ve worked closely with the Green Party on many campaigns to stop fracking. Our “Boycott the Big Six” campaign helped show that the majority of Brits unwittingly supported fracking by getting their energy supplied by one of four ‘Big Six’ companies – British Gas, EDF, E.ON and Scottish Power – who either invested in or said they supported fracking. The final two, npower and SSE, were complicit by not coming out against fracking.

Working with the Green Party, we have also set up the People Power Fund where anti-fracking groups can apply for funding to help with their campaigns.

Founder of Ecotricity, Dale Vince says: “we have an alternative to fracking – making gas from grass – it’s renewable, carbon neutral and would be a huge new industry for the country, improving our energy independence while keeping fossil fuels in the ground where they belong.”

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Brilliant support from Green Party members
Anne Power

Not only have the Green Party supported us in our fight against fracking, but many of them have made the switch to Ecotricity.

By choosing Ecotricity as their green energy supplier, their bills have helped us in our fight against climate change. What makes us different from other energy companies is that we take the money we make from our customers’ bills and use it to build new forms of green energy. We call it Bills into Mills – and without people switching to us and becoming our customers this wouldn’t happen.

So, thank you to the Green Party for your unwavering support as we’ve come together to build a greener Britain. Well done on a fantastic 50 years, and here’s to another 50!

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