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A look back at WOMAD

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16 Aug 2022

We had a great time at this year’s WOMAD festival at the end of July, chatting with customers about our plans for the future, running great events on the Ecotricity Stage, enjoying the music and a whole lot more.

Zerocarbonista Live

On the main Ecotricity Stage, our founder, Dale Vince, recorded a special live episode of his Zerocarbonista podcast with Ian Collins. They discussed all the hot topics of the day, as well as taking lots of questions from a very knowledgeable and passionate audience.

Ian quizzed Dale on a wide range of things, including:

  • How we can get to 100% renewables in 10 years if we just sort out the planning laws – with no subsidies needed!

  • Why fracking and nuclear aren’t the answer to our energy problems

  • How energy independence with green energy can break us free of the global commodity market that’s pushing energy prices into the stratosphere

  • Why he’s selling Ecotricity to set up a think tank called the Green Britain Foundation to help improve government policy on renewable energy

  • How he’s searching for a new owner who can invest at scale, so Ecotricity can build new sources of green energy even faster

  • What he’d do if he was in charge of the world for one day

  • How we need to take the message about fighting the climate crisis to people outside the green bubble, by showing how the move to net zero is good for everybody.

Ministry of Eco Education

Sunday saw a brilliant Green Britain session on the work of Ministry of Eco Education, which helps schools and teachers educate young people about living sustainably.

Radical geographer, Paul Turner chatted to Nick Moss, the Head of Minchinhampton Primary, and pupils from the school, who shared what they’ve learnt over the past year about saving the planet and preparing for a future where protecting the planet is a must.

Getting closer to nature

The arboretum at WOMAD is a wonderful space and we feel very lucky to have made it our home for a few days every July.

Simon Pickering, Principal Ecologist at Ecotricity, took a group of lucky festivalgoers on a forest walk and ran a fascinating Q&A session about the work we’re doing to boost biodiversity.

WOMAD yoga

Making room for nature is part of our mission, including in our solar parks which can be so much more than lifeless rows of solar panels if we just apply some creativity to our planning.

Our friends, Pav and Olga, also ran morning yoga sessions at the Ecotricity stage amongst the trees of the arboretum, which were the perfect way to start the day.

The weekend flew by all too quickly. We hope to see you there next year, when we’ll have lots more fascinating events and activities to share with you.

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