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Dale in Conversation with Sea Shepherd Founder, Captain Paul Watson

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Originally posted 19 November 2020

By Christopher Appleby
12 Jan 2021
Facebook Live Dale and SSUK Paul Watson
Facebook Live Dale Vince and SSUK Captain Paul Watson

In November, we hosted a conversation between Dale Vince and Captain Paul Watson. We had a fantastic evening listening to this dynamic duo share their wisdom and hope for the future. Dale introduced his new book, Manifesto, to the audience, describing it as ‘part biography, part mission statement’. You can pre-order the book at the Ecotricity shop.

If you missed the chat, or would like to tune in again, you can watch it back here.

How you can support Sea Shepherd

Helen Taylor, Ambassador for Sea Shepherd UK, shares her top tips on how to support Sea Shepherd UK:

1. Join as a UK onshore volunteer

Application forms can be found here.

2. Arrange a ‘Beach Clean’ for Sea Shepherd UK

Above or under the water on the coast (or even an estuary, river or harbour) near you! Litter is a major risk to marine wildlife so every beach clean helps. Email Sea Shepherd on:

3. Always take home or dispose of your (hopefully recyclable) waste properly

To prevent pollution of our water courses. Rubbish dropped inland invariably ends up in streams and rivers, flowing on into the ocean, causing untold harm to our fresh water and marine ecosystems

Ecotricity and Sea Shepherd UK have been partners for many years – if you switch your energy supply to Ecotricity, we’ll donate up to £60 to Sea Shepherd UK on your behalf.

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