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10 tips to go greener in lockdown

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By Christopher Appleby
15 Mar 2021
10 Tips to go greener in lockdown
10 Tips to go greener in lockdown

Are you ready for the #greenlockdown challenge? Of course you are!

See how many of these top tips you can tick off and post your pics to #greenlockdown to share your successes!

1. Go single-use plastic free for a week

Sounds easy? You’ll need to change a lot to complete this challenge: think reusable water bottles, coffee cups and containers; bees wax food wraps and coverings, supermarket food, plastic free toilet rolls...

And turn your single-use plastic you just can’t avoid into an Ecobrick!

2. Who can go car free for the longest?

We’re not going out much in lockdown but when you do, challenge your household or Zoom buddies to walk, cycle or use public transport instead.

Award points for each activity and draw up some fun/evil forfeits for the losers!

3. Go plant powered for a month

Even if you missed out on Veganuary, you can give your body a break and your taste buds a treat by going vegan for a month starting right now.

Check out the Veganuary site to see how easy it is.

4. Have a week of sustainable shopping

Can you go seven days buying just from sustainable, local shops and small online sites? Ditch the packaging and don’t forget to pack your fabric shopping bag.

5. Search the web and save the planet

Switch your searches to and they’ll use their profits to plant trees where they’re desperately needed across the world. On average you’ll plant a tree every 45 searches – you could soon have a forest on your hands!

6. Make three big switches


Swap to Ecotricity, we’re a truly green energy supplier who invest in building new renewables. It’s the biggest impact you can personally make in the fight against climate change.

Switch to Ecotricity and we’ll give you up to £50 credit when you switch.


Pick an ethical bank that follows through on their promises. For example, Triodos UK is a bank founded on the conviction that banking can be a powerful force for good.


Change to Ecotalk + RSPB, who use the money from their customers’ bills to give land back to nature – plus, they have some of the lowest cost tariffs available and the best coverage in the UK.

7. Help our spring pollinators

Bees, butterflies and beetles are all under threat. A great way to help is to pop in some last minute bulbs to come up when the weather is warmer. They’ll look stunning too!

8. Go second hand

Pre-loved gear can often be better quality than buying new and better for the planet. When they reopen, see how much you can get from charity and vintage shops, as well as sites like Ebay, Gumtree and Facebook.

9. Make home for nature

Give your local wildlife a boost. Make sure there’s a gap in your fence for hedgehogs to wander through, and set up a bird feeder in your garden or right on your window if you’re short of outside space.

10. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Do you really need to shop? Clear the clutter, reuse and repurpose what you can. See what cunning ideas you can come up with and post your pics with #greenlockdown to share the love and inspire others!

Challenge your friends, family, housemates and neighbors to see who can have the greenest lockdown! Download our checklist.

Switch to Ecotricity today and we’ll give you £50 free account credit. Just click on the link below or call 0808 123 0 123 and quote ‘ECOCRED’

Switch to Ecotricity

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