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National (Vegan) Burger Day – brought to you by Ecotricity & our partner Viva!

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By Christopher Appleby
27 Aug 2020
National (Vegan) Burger Day – brought to you by Ecotricity & our partner Viva! - Image 3

Today, 27th August 2020, is National Burger Day; and we’re celebrating by bringing you the most nutritious version of the UK’s favourite fast-food, vegan burgers!

So, get your frying pans at the ready and discover some amazing vegan facts and delicious recipes from our friends at the vegan charity, Viva!

How is a vegan burger made?

The great thing about vegan burgers is that you can make them out of all kinds of delicious and nutritious ingredients. You can even add a mixture of herbs and spices to give it that extra punch.

Whether it be potato, chickpea or tofu-based burgers, you’re sure to find something that you’ll love. Have some fun with it, experiment and make your vegan patty your own!

With the help of our friends at Viva!, we’ve selected some great vegan burger recipes to try at home below.

Viva’s Top 5 Vegan burger recipes

National (Vegan) Burger Day – brought to you by Ecotricity & our partner Viva! - Image 3

This National Burger Day, instead of going for that traditional hamburger or cheeseburger, try your hand at one of these delicious, planet saving vegan burger recipes. Our favourites are the Vegan Cheeseburger and Spicy Vegan Bean Burgers, they’re easy to make and pack loads of flavour!

A vegan burger can help fight climate change…

That sounds like a bold claim – but it’s true. Animal farming harms the environment and has a larger carbon footprint, so a vegan diet is less damaging to the planet as well as being better for your health.

A vegan burger may seem like a small change to some but Viva!’s hard work and determination is living proof that changing to a vegan diet can deliver positive change and help fight the climate crisis.

Did you know that animal farming is responsible for at least 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, greater than all transportation combined.

In fact, animal agriculture has such a huge impact on global carbon emissions that a widespread adoption of a vegan diet could see global emissions drop by up to 70 per cent.

… And so can vegan energy

We’re the only energy supplier in the UK to offer vegan power – you won’t believe what goes into other suppliers’ fuels – and we’re registered with The Vegan Society and Viva! for our green electricity and green gas.

If Ecotricity isn’t your current energy provider, it’s very likely that you’re powering your home with electricity and gas partly made with the by-products of the meat and dairy industry.

Our top 5 favourite burger facts

Almost everyone loves a tasty burger, so it’s the perfect subject for a family quiz or just as a bit of trivia to share over a cup of coffee (or a vegan milkshake) with friends.

1. The word ‘burger’ is actually the shortened name of hamburger. Which was derived from Hamburg steaks introduced in the U.S. by German immigrants

2. During World War I, the U.S. government and soldiers referred to hamburgers as "liberty sandwiches" to avoid using its German name

3. 60% of sandwiches sold globally are actually burgers

4. The Guinness world record for the largest hamburger ever weighed in at 1,164.2 kilograms (2,566 lbs). Turns out there is isn’t a record for the largest vegan burger – maybe that’s something you could try at home! Go to Guinness World Records to find out more

5. McDonalds sells approximately 75 hamburgers every second

Switch to vegan energy with Viva!

Switch your energy supply to us and not only will you be using green energy at a fair price, as a thank you we’ll donate up to £60 to Viva! on your behalf. 

Switch with Viva!

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