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    Sweet potato, ginger and coconut soup

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    By Jess Saunders
    14 Jan 2019
    Sweet potato, ginger and coconut soup - Image 1

    This week’s Meat Free Monday recipe is for a hearty soup, ideal for warming you up in the cold winter weather!


    1 large white onion1 tbsp oil (preferably coconut)
    3 cloves garlic
    1 thumb sized piece of ginger
    1 tsp chilli flakes
    700g sweet potato, cubed
    1 can of coconut milk
    600ml of veg stock/broth
    1 tbsp of tamari/soy sauce
    Juice of ½ lime/lemon
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Handful of coriander (optional)


    Cook the onion in the oil for about five minutes. Add the garlic, ginger and chilli flakes and fry for a further two minutes. Add in the chopped sweet potato, along with the coconut milk and stock, and let it simmer until the potato is soft. Add in the tamari/soy sauce and lime/lemon juice. Blend the soup and serve with optional coriander, a drizzle of oil, lime and chilli flakes.

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