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A green future needs green kids!

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By Jess Saunders
12 Feb 2018
A green future needs green kids! - Image 3

The next generation are the guardians of the green revolution, but with a growing interest in digital technology, children are spending more time indoors than ever before. In 2013, the RSPB published a three-year study which said that four out of five children in the UK were not adequately “connected to nature”. It’s a trend we need to turn around if our green spaces are to be taken care of in the years to come.

So how do we inspire this connection?

Inspired by our partners, the RSPB, we’ve put together a list of simple, fun activities to engage those young and curious minds:

  • Make animal print casts – with just a bowl, an old bottle and some plaster of Paris, you can make a permanent reminder of the wildlife in your garden

  • Build a bird bath - give our feathered friends a safe and reliable source of fresh water in cold and hot weather

  • Make a mini pond – every garden benefits from having a pond and it doesn’t have to be big. Something as simple as an old washing up bowl can create your very own watery oasis

  • Create a mini-beast hotel - from five star to budget, bugs of all shapes and sizes will enjoy a stay at your place

  • Make a recycled bird feeder – keep the birds well fed all year round with a few simple household items.

You can find all these activities and more here, with many of them part of the RSPB’s Wild Challenge. This free awards scheme gives children the opportunity to get up close and personal with the natural world through a wide range of hands on tasks.  With certificates and stickers to be collected, what’s not to love?

We recently launched a competition for young environmentalists, aged 11-16 years old. We’re searching for four secondary school students to make up our Young Green Briton Chat panel at WOMAD festival 2018.

They’ll each be mentored by a well-known expert, before taking to the stage and discussing their ideas about how we can make Britain greener. It’s simple to enter – they just need to record a video telling us their ideas about how to green up Britain in one of four main areas – energy, transport, food and nature. Find out more here.

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