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    By Jen Hoskins
    31 Oct 2017
    Winter is coming - Image 7

    Winter is coming... our tips to help you save energy and stay warm in the colder weather.

    If you know nothing about cutting down your energy usage to help you save money on your energy bills – fear not!

    We’ve put together our tips and tricks to help you stay warm as winter draws near.

    • Replace your lighting with LEDs. Just one LED light bulb can save around £7 a year.

    • Turn your appliances off properly instead of leaving them on standby. Yearly saving: £30

    • Not everyone has a great wall to keep out the cold – so look into getting your house professionally draft-proofed. Although this is a little pricey, it’ll help you save around £25 a year on energy bills.

    • Turn off the lights when you’re not using them. Yearly saving: £14

    •  Use a bowl to wash up rather than a running tap. Yearly saving: £25

    • Your house doesn’t need to feel like it’s been heated by dragon fire! Turn your thermostat down by one degree to save up to £80 a year on your bills.

    • Only fill the kettle with the amount of water you need. Yearly saving: £7

    • Empty your hoover regularly – a full one will use more energy than an empty one.

    • If you have a chimney that you don’t use, get it capped. Yearly saving: £153

    • You can lose a quarter of your heat through an uninsulated roof. Getting your roof insulated costs £100 - £350, but you could save £175 a year.

    And of course the biggest thing you can do to combat climate change is to switch to a green energy supplier – you can find out more here.

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