After a decade of working together, our partnership with the RSPB has come to an end. If you switched to Ecotricity and quoted RSPB, we donated £25 for each meter switched, on your behalf. For every year you stayed with Ecotricity, we donated a further £25.
From May 2023, this arrangement has come to an end, but we are still keen supporters of their work to help wildlife and combat the climate crisis.
The RSPB has long been campaigning to protect wildlife and the wider countryside. It started all the way back in 1889 as the Society for the Protection of Birds (SPB) to counter the trade in bird plumes for women’s hats. It was so successful that it was granted its Royal Charter just fifteen years after it began, becoming the RSPB we recognise today.
We’ve helped protect wildlife habitats working alongside the RSPB, and we will continue to do this through other methods.
When we build our sun parks, we first check over the habitat thoroughly for any rare or protected species. We also establish which creatures and plants call it home. We want to make our sun parks a positive force for nature. Declining farmland birds, hares, bumblebees and meadow butterflies are just some of the wildlife we expect to flourish in our sun parks over the coming decades. This work will continue to happen and is vital when we’re creating our sun parks.
Our commitment to nature is just as strong today as we work to create a greener Britain which benefits nature. You can find out more about switching to Ecotricity here.
Climate change is already affecting much of the wildlife we love. Warmer seas are causing some seabirds to struggle to find food, and unseasonably wet weather has seen the nests of some wetland birds washed away, devastating populations.RSPB