Your green energy

Ecotricity can help you cut your carbon footprint even further via a whole range of things you can do at home…
Your green energy

Ecotalk: our green mobile network

Ecotalk is Ecotricity's mobile phone network. We use the money from our mobile customers’ bills to give land back to nature – plus, we have some of the lowest cost tariffs available and the best coverage in the UK.

Putting the bee back in Britain

By switching to Ecotalk, you can help fight climate change and save British wildlife every time you make a call, send a text or stream mobile data. It costs as little as £8 a month and we have excellent national coverage.

While your smartphone doesn’t use a lot of energy itself, mobile phone networks broadcasting their signals up and down the country do. They use significant amounts of electricity, much of which comes from fossil fuel sources. It doesn’t have to be like that.

Powered by green energy

The Ecotalk network only uses Ecotricity’s clean, green energy which is generated by the wind and the sun. But we do much more than that. Every time you pay your bill, we use some of the money to give back to nature.

In Gloucestershire, we’ve bought a 40-acre site and planted 20,000 trees creating a haven for indigenous species such as bees, hedgehogs and badgers to thrive. Similarly, in Yorkshire, we joined forces with the RSPB to create the Fairburn Tips reserve, protecting the habitat of more than a dozen bird species.

It’s good to Ecotalk!

Click the button to discover our Ecotalk deals.

Ecotalk Pollinator Promise commits us to protect insects such as bees, butterflies and hoverflies, which are in decline.
Ecotalk is protecting wetlands and meadows – reclaiming them so that indigenous plants and animals can thrive once again.